Sunday, October 3, 1982

Macross (1982~)


Genre: Military Science Fiction, mecha anime, Real Robot, Space Opera

Macross (マクロス, Makurosu) is a long-running series of science fiction Mecha anime, created by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West Advertising.

Within the series, the term Macross is used to denote the main capital ship. This theme began in the original Macross, the SDF-1 Macross.

Overtechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship (Alien Star Ship - One later renamed Super Dimension Fortress - One Macross) that crashed on South Ataria island. With this technology, Earth was able to reverse engineer the technology to create mechas (variable fighters and destroids), a faster-than-light drive Space Fold for starships and other advanced technologies, which show up throughout the series.


Chronology Title Release Dates Work Ep
2008 Macross Zero
"Macross 20th Anniversary". Original '82 TV series' prequel.
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Original work adapted by Harmony Gold to become Robotech: The Macross Saga in 1985.
Macross: The First
Comic format alternate telling of the events in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross serialized in Shōnen Ace magazine.
2009 MangaNA
story within a story (in Macross 7)
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Alternate telling of the events in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, specifically episodes 2 through 27.
1984/07 Movie1
2012The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012
Epilogue of the Movie, segments were added in the movie's definitive "Perfect Edition".
1987/06 OVA1
2040Macross Plus
TV series' sequel OVA created by Studio Nue. A side-story.
2040Macross Plus: International Version
Alternative OVA version with English cast and songs.
2040Macross Plus: Movie
Alternative Movie version with different editing and additional scenes.
1995/09 Movie1
Macross 7
TV series sequel to Macross Plus. First of the sequels to touch upon the metaplot. Features a new cast of characters, and only three returning characters from the original series.
2046Macross 7: Trash
Comic side-story first serialized in Shōnen Ace magazine then released as volumes.
2046Macross 7 The Movie: The Galaxy Is Calling Me! 1995/09 Movie1
2046Macross 7: Encore
Three '94 TV series additional episodes.
1995/12 OVA3
2047Macross Dynamite 7
"Macross 15th Anniversary" '94 TV series' sequel.
2059Macross Frontier Manga
'94 TV series' sequel. Comic format telling of the events in Macross Frontier first serialized in Shōnen Ace magazine.
2007/12 MangaNA
2059Macross Frontier (Deculture Edition)
"Macross 25th Anniversary" '94 TV series' sequel pilot episode.
2007/12 TV1
2059Macross Frontier
'94 TV series' sequel.
2008/04 TV25
2059Macross Frontier The Movie: The False Diva
2008 TV series' theatrical movie adaptation.
2009/11 Movie1
2059Macross Frontier Movie: The Wings of Goodbye
2009 Theatrical movie sequel.
TBA Movie1
"parallel" world alternate continuity
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers, Again
"Macross 10th Anniversary"
TV series' sequel OVA created without Studio Nue.

A feature film, subtitled Do You Remember Love? (愛・おぼえていますか Ai Oboete Imasu ka), was released in 1984, with a condensed version of the storyline and cutting-edge animation. This movie was later described as a "historical drama" movie within the Macross universe (similar to World War II films in the real world). In Macross Plus and Macross 7, it is revealed that there was a movie produced after Space War I (the original Earth-Zentradi conflict). Kawamori described the relation between the two depictions of Space War I: "The real Macross is out there, somewhere. If I tell the story in the length of a TV series, it looks one way, and if I tell it as a movie-length story, it's organized another way." (A edited, English-dubbed version of the feature was also released to video as Clash of the Bionoids.)

Macross II, the only animated project without Studio Nue's direct involvement, was declared a parallel-world story by Studio Nue.

In March 2007, Studio Victor placed a casting call for a voice actress to play the heroine, Ranka Lee, in a then untitled new Macross series. 18 year old Nakajima Megumi was selected in the nationwide singing and acting audition for the role of Ranka Lee in Japan. The project was given the tentative title of Macross 25. Later, as part of the 25th anniversary concert, a trailer was shown that revealed the new tentative title of Macross F (Frontier). During the concert, Kawamori Shoji mentioned that the timeframe of Macross Frontier was about 2070 A.D. Kawamori also announced that Yoko Kanno would be the music co-composer of the new Macross series. According to Newtype Magazine, this new series were supposed to take place in a school. The pilot episode aired in December 23, 2007. The new series were finally set in the year 2059 A.D. and took place in a new Macross Colony Fleet called "Macross Frontier". The new show was produced by Satelight and its episodes began their regular broadcast on April 4, 2008, in MBS channel of Japan. The final episode aired on September 25, 2008, what brought the series to a total of 25 episodes. A Macross Frontier Movie Edition was announced just after the ending of the new TV animated series.


Anime series | Anime films | Anime OVAs | Macross | Space opera